
Sci Fi Space Station Concept Art

Do you have a soft spot for Sci Fi? If the thought of exotic looking futuristic fighter jets, mammoth battleships the size of cities, and huge space stations gets you excited, grab your Wookie wing man and strap yourselves in.

You've come to the right place.

Star Wars Chewie We're Home

Below you will find some of the coolest spaceship concept art by some of the internet's most talented artists.

Wondering where to start with your spacecraft designs? I have also included some tips and videos for creating your own spaceships and developing your ideas.

Quick Navigation

  • Spaceship Fighter Concept Art
  • Space Cruiser Concept Art
  • Spaceship Freighters
  • Cool Spaceship Frigates
  • Space Destroyer Concepts
  • Sci Fi Battleship Designs
  • How To Draw Convincing Spaceship Designs
Alien Spaceship Concept Art By Pascal Beeckmans

By Pascal Beeckmans

Large Space Ship Concept By J C Park

By J C Park

Single Pilot Spaceship By Kezrek

By Kezrek (Deviant Art)

Sci Fi Vehicle Concept By J C Park

By J C Park

Concept Ship By Vincent Maréchal

By Vincent Maréchal

Space Racer By Daniel Graffenberger

By Daniel Graffenberger

Space Ship Concept By J C Park

By J C Park

Scavenger Spaceship Design By Dennis Van Kessel

By Dennis Van Kessel

Alien Spaceship Design By Francois Cannels

By Francois Cannels

Vehicle Concept By J C Park

By J C Park

Cool Spaceships By J C Park

By J C Park

Halo 4 Spaceship Concepts By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Vehicle Concepts By J C Park

By J C Park

Sci Fi Spaceships By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Mining Spaceship Concept By Tibor Bedats

By Tibor Bedats

Cool Vehicle Concept By J C Park

By J C Park

Realistic Spaceship By Josh Atack

By Josh Atack

Space Racer By Daniel Graffenberger

By Daniel Graffenberger

Sci Fi Spaceship By Jonathan Ching

By Jonathan Ching

Futuristic Spaceship By J C Park

By J C Park

Spaceship Cockpit By Ryan Church

By Ryan Church

Futuristic Spaceship By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Ship Concept Art By Jan Dolezalek

By Jan Dolezalek

Spaceship Studies By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Startrek Space Station Concept By Ryan Church

By Ryan Church

Spaceship Concept Art By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Space Ships By Daniel Graffenberger

By Daniel Graffenberger

Spaceships Long By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Civilian Spaceships By Daniel Graffenberger

By Daniel Graffenberger

Giant Futuristic Spaceship By Nikolay Asparuhov

By Nikolay Asparuhov

Spaceship Wallpaper By The Paper Wall

By The Paper Wall

Rusting Spaceship By Yohann Schepacz

By Yohann Schepacz

Sci Fi Art By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Spaceship Fighter Concept Art

It is very common for futuristic space fighters to look like exotic versions of modern day fighter jets. The wing shape is often different in it's shape and size, but it still resembles our basic understanding of aircraft.

However, in reality,there is no need for wings in outer space (unless your space craft is used for in atmosphere and out of atmosphere space combat).

This can open up a whole realm of possible designs for you to explore. What shape could it be? Where would the thruster would go? How would the retro-rockets be mounted?

Here are some great concepts to inspire you.

Alien Spacecraft By Will Burns

By Will Burns

Sci Fi Fighter Ship By Adam Isailovic

By Adam Isailovic

Z Fighter By Marcel Freyer

By Marcel Freyer

Spaceship Design Concepts By Dmitry

By Dmitry (Deviant Art)

Gunship Fighter By Tobias Frank

By Tobias Frank

Assault Fighter By Joel Hustak

By Joel Hustak

Spaceship Fighter Concept Art By Gavin Manners

By Gavin Manners

Star Wars Spaceships By Ryan Church

By Ryan Church

Star Wars Spaceships By Ryan Church

By Ryan Church

Sci Fi Spaceship By Remy Paul

By Remy Paul

Heavy Fighter Concept By Dmitry

By Dmitry (Deviant Art)

Ship Killer By Hasan Zraikat

By Hasan Zraikat

Interceptor By Hasan Zraikat

By Hasan Zraikat

Alien Spaceship By Tobias Frank

By Tobias Frank

Wraith Attack Ship Concept From Jupiter Ascending By George Hull

By George Hull

Space Cruiser Concept Art

Cruisers are larger military space craft that often play a similar role to our modern warships. They are well-armed and have reasonable defenses.

Cruisers tend to specialize in certain roles. This would likely be the case for science fiction. Is your cruiser designed to take out planetary ground defenses? Or does it specialize in clearing space-mines? What would it look like if it was designed to take out enemy fighters?

Check out these impressive concepts.

Space Cruiser By Daniel Graffenberger

By Daniel Graffenberger

Space Cruiser Concept Art By Il Kim

By Il Kim

Compellor Class Star Cruiser By Ansel Hsiao

By Ansel Hsiao

Basilisk Capital Ship By Adam Burn

By Adam Burn

Spaceship Freighters

In a futuristic setting, cargo ships would often be the lifeline of many human colonies. These vessels carry goods from one planet to another.

Currently, there are thousands of freighters traversing the sea. You can imagine it would be the same in a futuristic space setting.

Freighters would be designed specifically for the task of carrying a large payload over long distances. They would come well equipped and unload their cargo.

Often they are large ships, for the sole purpose of moving things in bulk. They can often dwarf many of the largest warships.​

Refueling Spaceship By Olejnik Maksim

By Olejnik Maksim

Deep Space Cargo Transport Ship By Johan Tornlund

By Johan Tornlund

Space Freighter By Odysseas Moffatt

By Odysseas Moffatt

Sci Fi Freighter By Eric Geusz

By Eric Geusz

Spaceship Frigate Concept Art By Jonas Minnebo

By Jonas Minnebo

Realistic Future Spaceship Design By Ben Bolton

By Ben Bolton

Cool Spaceship Frigates

These warships are built to be quick and maneuverable. Often they are escorts for larger ships and convoys.

Frigates are a little bit larger than corvettes and often have more firepower. They are often good for getting into combat, getting their hands dirty, and getting out victories.

They are often used in patrols, or as protection for a capital ship. They often have strength in numbers.​

Space Carrier By Daniel Graffenberger

By Daniel Graffenberger

Space Corvette By Theunis Dijkman

By Theunis Dijkman

Sci Fi Frigate By Dmitriy Leonovich

By Dmitriy Leonovich

Indictor class Star Corvette By Ansel Hsiao

By Ansel Hsiao

Space Corvette By Jorn Meier

By Jorn Meier

Space Destroyer Concepts

​Destroyers are smaller than cruisers and, in most cases, are larger than frigates.

However, you will find that these bad-boys are armed to the teeth with a multitude of weapons.

Their purpose is to seek and destroy. These boats act as escorts for larger fleets and hunt out any threat.

Heavy Destroyer Spaceship By Bryce Homick

By Bryce Homick

Tactical Space Destroyer By Pavel Savchuk

By Pavel Savchuk

Star Destroyer Artwork By David Knapp

By David Knapp (Feature Image)

Halo 4 Concept Art By Nicolas Bouvier

By Nicolas Bouvier

Sci Fi Battleship Designs

​Battleships are the epitome of strength. They can take a lot of punishment and dish out punishment in return.

Battleships are characterized by their heavy armor and massive guns, making them key capital ships. These guys will have multiple different defenses, and guns that could destroy most ships in a single go. They represent the might and power of a fleet.

The simple existence of a battleship can leave opposition quivering in their boots. However, despite their strength, they can be susceptible to smaller aircraft that could out maneuver them.

Railgun Battle Carrier By Kelvin Liew

By Kelvin Liew

Science Fiction Battleship By Toni Jacobs

By Toni Jacobs

Capital Ship Sketches By Georg Hilmarsson

By Georg Hilmarsson

Capital Spaceship By Tobias Frank

By Tobias Frank

Capital Spaceship Art By Josh Atack

By Josh Atack

Alien Capital Ship By Tobias Frank

By Tobias Frank

Capital Ship Concept By Jan Van Der Weg

By Jan Van Der Weg

Space Art Wallpaper By George Hull

By George Hull

Jupiter Ascending Concept Art By George Hull

By George Hull

How To Draw Convincing Spaceship Designs

​There is so much rich detail in these spacecraft! So what can you focus on to improve your spaceship drawing skills?

​Practice Perspective

Perspective is important in any art form, however, with mechanical objects such as spacecraft, perspective is key to creating believable illustrations.

If you are completely new to perspective, Draw A Box has an excellent guide to understanding and mastering perspective drawing.

If you are looking for something a little more advanced, 'How To Draw' By Scott Robertson is my 'go-to' book. When it comes to illustration, design, and mechanical objects, Scott is a master.

His book is well laid out and well explained. He also has some great Youtube videos that take you through design concepts and gives you a feel for how he creates his pieces.​

Create A Visual Library

Have you come across an interesting or cool piece of technology? If so, take a photo and save it in a folder. This folder will be your go-to resource.

By building up your visual library, you will develop an idea for how these objects look and feel. It could be something small in your home or a picture of modern-day military aircraft. By practicing and drawing these designs and objects continuously, you will develop a natural feel for how a mechanical object may look and function.

The key is to draw these objects. Pull up a photo and spend 30 minutes understanding the shape and how it functions. Recreate it, and play with the look and feel of an object

Creating a visual library won't happen overnight. It will take time. However, continuously searching, drawing and recreating these shapes will give you the skills necessary to create believable compositions.

Play With 'Layering'

A useful method to build your spaceship designs is to think of each vehicle being made up of layers.

Everything you design will have a 'skeleton'; A basic shape and design that everything will sit on. Create that first.

Just like with figure drawing, you want to figure out the basic shape of the body, before you start to flesh out details of the anatomy.

This concept applies to spaceship design. What is the basic shape of the spacecraft? Where will the thrusters go? Will it have wings? Figure out these things first.

The next step is to add the functional details like the pistons, cables, guns and other details. These are the things that sit on top of the structure.

Next is to add the armor plating. Think of plating as the skin over everything else. Where would the armor be? How would things move? What would remain rigid?

Here is a good video to start you off. Sycra, walks you through how he comes up with the general shape, before picking out the details.

What did you think of these awesome designs? What inspires you when designing your space ship concepts?

Sci Fi Space Station Concept Art


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